at Wikipedia)
If you know of or are hosting a current, consistently updated lectionary-related podcast, please let me know! If you have a sermon site, please note that I'm only linking those lectionary-based sermons recorded in advance of the lectionary date. I'm especially looking for readings of the Revised Common Lectionary texts - please remember copyright regulations for both the RCL itself and the version of the Bible from wish you read, if you decide to take on this project! (Remember these also if you include your reading of scripture in your sermon/commentary podcasts!)
Lectionary Scripture Readings / Bible Reading
NAB Podcast, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.
Daily Offices Online, Anglican Common Worship Form, David Guthrie, Auckland, NZ.
The PodBible audio Bible Podcast uses "ordinary" people to read and the CEV translation (with permission).
Hear the Word, Weekly RCL podcast of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
- Episcopal Church Sunday Readings, Tom Potter.
- On The Eighth Day, Nick Throckmorton.
Liturgy & Worship
Daily Office Podcast, Morning Prayer, The Order of Saint Luke.
pray-as-you-go.org - daily prayer for your MP3 player.
Daily Podcast of Daily Services from the New Zealand Prayer Book.
Daily Podcasts, Morning Prayer, Noonday Prayer & Compline, The Episcopal Church in Garrett County, MD.
worshipodcast.com, "conversation about the stuff of christian worship..." Kevin Gibson.
Daily Morning and Evening Prayer from the New Zealand Prayer Book (Anglican), Genesis Foundation.
Sermon Brainwave, at Luther Seminary's WorkingPreacher.com. Conversation among professors about each week's scripture texts, recorded before lectionary date.
Lectionary Lab Live - the Rev'ds Dr. John Fairless and Delmer Chilton (aka "Two Bubbas and a Bible"), 2013.
- Reading in Church & Other Distractions Podcast, iTunes, Google Play, YouTube, 2017
- Pulpit Fiction - Two mainline pastors discuss the lectionary texts. They are rooted in modern scholarship, progressive theology, and include a good dose of humor. Special episodes include interviews and reviews of pop culture and new theological works.
- Story Divine - Casey FitzGerald. Telling the story of the Biblical text.
- FaithElement podcast - reflection and commentary on weekly texts.
10W - 10 minute commuter worship services based on the lectionary
- Lectio Divina Podcast, Todd Spencer, 2012.
- Holy Textures, David Ewart. Short, easy to use, faith-provoking insights into what life was like at the time of Jesus.
Gospel-Pod, student-led lectionary-based study podcast, United Theological Seminary, Dayton, OH.
The Emergent Psalter, Isaac Everett, Music for the Urban Mystic, Psalms and Commentary.
Homebrewed Christianity, interviews of theologians and scholars, often lectionary-season based.
The Journey with Jesus, Daniel B. Clendenin, PhD. Weekly Essays, book notes, film reviews, poem & prayer reviews, recorded for study before the lectionary date.
Lectionary at Lunch: MP3, Windows Media, and Real Audio files of lectures by professors at Concordia Seminary, St Louis, MO (LCMS).
5 - Minute Bible, podcasts of commentary on Biblical passages and topics in Bible study, Tim Bulkeley, New Zealand.
Wrestling with the Word, study and reflections on the Revised Common Lectionary, for preaching, Foster McCurly.
Crossways International Lectionary Study, Minneapolis, Dr. Harry Wendt.
Common Good Radio Faithful Parenting Podcast.
- 10 Minute Message St Stephens, Toowoomba Australia.
Sermons & Reflections
Day 1, formerly The Protestant Hour, has podcasts of sermons - usually lectionary-based - posted toward the beginning of each week. Free registration required.
10 Minute Worship Blog, Dan Bollerud, 10 minute commuter mp3 worship, 2011.
- The Breadcast, text taken from Our Daily Bread: Exposition of the Readings of Catholic Mass, James H. Kurt and Michael Kreidler. Daily Roman Catholic lectionary reflections.
Word on Fire, Fr. Barron, Catholic Archdiocese of Chicago.
Sermons, Rev. David Douthett, The Catoctin Presbyterian Church, Waterford, VA.
Sermons, Saint Matthew Lutheran Church, Walnut Creek, CA.
Sermons, Colonial Church of Edina, Edina, MN.
Sunday Soundbites is a weekly Catholic radio homily reflection about the Sunday Gospel readings by Fr. Greg Friedman, O.F.M., sponsored by Franciscan Radio.
Friar Puk's Sermon Sounds, Heath Pukallus, South-Western QLD Lutheran Parish, Chinchilla, QLD.
Trinitycast, Trinity Presbyterian Church, Atlanta, Georgia.
Reflections of the Word, Pastor Jacqui King, Nu Faith Community United Methodist Church, Houston, Texas.
STAPODCASTS: Homilies by Father John Ehrich, STL, Saint Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church, Phoenix Arizona.
The Daily Walk Heavenwards, Fr. Stanislao Esposito, www.heavenwards.org.
Food for the Journey, Sister Anne Shields, Renewal Ministries.
Sermons, Cliffwood Presbyterian Church, Augusta, GA.
Sermons, Broadmoor United Methodist Church, Shreveport, LA.
Sermons, Free Methodist church of Santa Barbara.
Sermons and Worship Services, First Baptist Church of Ann Arbor, MI.
Sermon Podcast, Revolution Church (United Methodist), Kansas City.
Sermons, Hollywood United Methodist Church.
Sermons, Bible Studies, etc., C. Andrew Doyle, IX Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Texas.
RCL Sermons, DaySpring Baptist Church, Waco, TX.
RCL Sermons, OT Texts, Peace Lutheran Church, Sioux Falls, SD.
St. Luke's Sermons, St. Luke's Anglican Church, Burlington, Ontario.
Sermons and Monthly Prayer/Reflection, Living Grace Lutheran Church, Omaha, NE.
Chicago Monastery of the Holy Cross Podcast, RCL Sermons.
Recovery Worship, sermons, Fargo ND.
- Sermons, John A. Nelson, Niantic Community Church, Niantic CT.
- Sermons, Jason Pollick, Diocese of Ottawa.